Reading Register #005

Malachi Diaz
2 min readJun 2, 2022

I got around to reading these books in May.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

I’d heard this book mentioned and saw it on the shelf at the library so I decided to give it a read. Like a lot of people, I have plenty of bad habits and not enough good ones. The author clearly (lol) and methodically analyzes the cycle and science behind habits to reveal small strategies to create huge results. Here is how to build better habits in a nutshell: Make it obvious; make it attractive; make it easy; make it satisfying. I’ve already noticed a huge shift in mindset and witnessed tangible results in productivity.

Photo by Terry Vlisidis on Unsplash

A Line to Kill by Anthony Horowitz

Unlike other mystery who-done-its. A great mix of humor and mystery. I especially like how he blends his real life of being a writer (as well as using being the character in the book himself) with imaginary characters and fictitious plots while keeping it incredibly believable. I don’t often read fiction, but I will pick up another Horowitz title soon.

Prey by Michael Crichton

I know I just said I don’t often read fiction but here’s another one. So far, this is a suspenseful novel that combines predator instincts with self-adapting technology. Wait… is this fiction?



Malachi Diaz

Journalist, traveler, reader, disc golfer. More at PDGA #263950